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Non-responsive A318 and A319

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 11:16 pm
by andy1252
Haven't been using the sim for a while (couple of months maybe). Just getting back to it. Done all updates.

Went to use A318 and 319. A318 not responding to ctrl-e (pretty sure that's all I used to do) - most LCD panels dark. Set system state to "ready to take off" from pad, still no working panels (even the ones lit not functional). Can still take off with the 318 and flies ok.

But A319 same process except it won't respond to the controls at all. Can't take off.

A318 on runway, "ready for take-off"

A318 in air

A319 on runway, ready but unable to take off

Any actual documentation for these things?

(oh, and clicking on the "close" button for the ECB does nothing either)

Re: Non-responsive A318 and A319

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:29 am
by RicardoLVFR
for now, the only tutorials are here ... YQQLtMky3A, eventually we will provide documentation once we complete most of the upgrades we are planning on finishing

If you spawn on the runway, meaning start on the runway do you still get the same problem?

Re: Non-responsive A318 and A319

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 8:02 am
by andy1252
Hi Ricardo,

These shots and this situation is from a runway start (spawn). That's pretty much all I ever do - cold and dark is just somewhere penguins live in my world!

Are these two aircraft dependent on the default A320neo for any functionality or visuals? Because I checked that and it seemed to be having similar sort of problems with non-displaying/functional screens. I uninstalled/re-installed the default A320 in the sim but that didn't make any difference. I also wondered if MS/Asobo had done anything re "ctrl-e" in any of the recent updates.

I don't need (or even want) full functionality in any aircraft - I just want to get in the air and move around looking at the world outside. But I don't want to have to spawn in flight, that's a bit too far even for me.



Re: Non-responsive A318 and A319

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:36 pm
by RicardoLVFR
Hi, this is very odd, because we aren't getting this issue.

The planes are now independent of the A320neo, the codes on the plane are based on it, but independent of the A320neo and heavily modified, so its not related.

You haven't installed any mods or anything for these planes? any repaints or such?

Re: Non-responsive A318 and A319

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 1:17 pm
by andy1252
Hi Ricardo,

Solved it! As part of another separate issue (isn't that often the way?)

Trying to resolve an issue with the brightness on the panel (G3X?) in the KitFox, I found out that the G3000 addon I had in place was no longer required as WorkingTitle had integrated their stuff into the base MSFS as of January.

I removed the addon, and the KitFox was ok, and then I wondered if it might have been affecting the airbus(es). And it was. So all my Airbus related issues seem to be resolved now. The default A320 has got all its panels back, and your rather wonderful A318 and A319 are all displaying correctly and working fine (apart from still not being able to turn off/hide the ECB).

Great to have the baby bus back - it's one of my favourite aircraft in the sim.

So thanks for your responses, and sorry to have bothered you. Don't know if I missed any kind of announcement about the G3000 issue at the time of the Asobo update (I assume it was during an SU) but I wasn't aware of any fuss about this over on Avsim, which is where (as we know) most shouting about such things takes place.



Re: Non-responsive A318 and A319

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 1:10 pm
by 7heAngryVe7eran
Marking this topic 'resolved', and it is now locked.