Airbus A330-900 FAQ

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Airbus A330-900 FAQ

Post by RicardoLVFR » Thu Oct 19, 2023 5:08 pm

LVFR Airbus A330-900neo Frequent questions and Answers

1- Do you have a tutorial on the A330 neo?
The video tutorial is the only one now showing how to get the plane in the air, as we plan to update the A330-900neo very soon, that tutorial will be removed for a more detailed tutorial with the avionics that are intended.

2- How do I get simbrief flight plans into the CDU?
The tutorial shows, you need to find your simbrief ID and put it in to the simbrief menu on the EFB, then look at the OFP and then click on “Send to the CDU”. It will be downloaded in the CDU and depending on how many waypoints the download will take time, and you MUST wait for the download to complete and the CDU will automatically add it in. Do not click INSERT, as it will mess up with the FP, the CDU will insert when it completes.

3- Why can’t coordinates be inserted on the FP?

Reason is the way the CDU on release reads flight plans does not allow for it, very soon the updates will allow for that.

4- I am getting problems with thrust at FL 400-410.
The initial release had issues with auto-thrust at those altitudes, it will be fixed on the first update.

5- Can I do full CAT3 autolands?
The release version doesn’t allow, but a future update will permit.

6- How does the trim tank work?
Fuel is needed for CG reasons in the trim tank during takeoff, climb and cruise. For landing it is not needed, therefore on descent the trim tank will automatically move the fuel forward.

7- How does OANS work?
Some Airbus A330neos have this system, and its borrowed from the A380-A350, its meant to allow crews to have a better situational awareness of the airports while they taxi.

8- Does OANS work in XBOX?
In XBOX series S, depending on the size of the airport is going to cause black screen issues as OANS is performance sensitive on lower end systems. We suggest that for at least XBOX series S, OANS is disabled.

9- I get black screens on XBOX, how can I fix?
If you get black screens with other aircraft, you will have also with our A330-900 in certain situations and locations. Mostly on detailed airports and detailed cities. The A330-900 was stress tested in London Heathrow without issues and landing at airports such as Amsterdam. However, flying in Los Angeles and San Francisco was a challenge as black screens happened in XBOX series S. If you get black screens, close the sim, and restart the sim again with the plane. That helped many times.

10- Why no animated passengers?
Because of the detailed interior and the size of it, we prefer to not include passengers at this time.

We might continue to add more questions and answers, if anything post in these forums for help.
Ricardo Morillo
Managing Director/Owner

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Re: Airbus A330-900 FAQ

Post by RicardoLVFR » Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:43 pm

the icons on the EFB have issues?

Go to display accessibility and change font size to 18 please.
Ricardo Morillo
Managing Director/Owner
