P3dv5.2 released important note on KFLL for P3dv5

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P3dv5.2 released important note on KFLL for P3dv5

Post by RicardoLVFR » Fri Jun 04, 2021 11:36 am

We released last week KFLL 1.2 for P3dv5, when you update to P3dv5.2 you will have problems unless you uninstall KFLL 1.1 from your P3dv5 system. Very important you remove this old version of KFLL for P3dv5.

Before installing this new version, please make sure you uninstall fully KFLL v1.1. The uninstaller is available right where you download 1.2

This new version of KFLL for P3Dv5 is only for P3dv5 due to certain issues. Most importantly the Slopedrwy.dll file will become unusable and unworkable very soon and may not allow you to use P3D, due to UPDATE of P3dv5 to 5.2. switch to either one of these two options until we find out how to solution this issue and if there is a solution.

KFLL for P3dv5 options without the slopedrwy.dll that would have allowed you to have AI traffic follow the sloped runway
1- The regular full PBR version of KFLL with the sloped runway platform, but without AI traffic following the runways/taxiways slopes. STANDARD INSTALLER
2- Non-PBR non sloped runway KFLL airport that would allow you to have AI traffic working correctly and very low on consumption of VRAM. OPTIONAL INSTALLER

We have had to re-do most of the airport for this last option of totally flat, fixing the lighting and other objects and features. But because of feedback customers were asking for a version like this, and also because of the future situation with P3dv5.
As for performance, it might still be an issue if you have our KMIA visible from KFLL, since these are two very detailed airports, having two very large airports load is recipe for performance issues. We ask that you either bring down the settings or reduce to MEDIUM the scenery draw distance as we ask here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=405

If you keep KFLL for P3dv5 1.1 or earlier installed you will have CTD's in your system. Due to the slopedrwy.dll
Ricardo Morillo
Managing Director/Owner
