KFLL Wet Runway Bouncing

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KFLL Wet Runway Bouncing

Post by Sabretooth78 » Mon May 18, 2020 12:59 am

Today during two flights (one landing and one attempted takeoff) I experienced severe bouncing along both RWYs 28L and 28R. The landing on 28L was rather smooth but had some bounces including a rather severe one upon exiting the runway at J5, which registered on my VA PIREP as a -602 fpm landing. Later, I attempted a takeoff on 28R (with a different plane and after a reboot) and experienced repeated bounces to maybe 20ft AGL or so, which were registering on my PIREP as repeated -550 to -650 fpm landings until I aborted the flight.

Subsequent testing revealed that this persists despite several different terrain mesh resolution settings (10m, 5m and 2m), aircraft (payware and default) and different versions of SODE (1.70 and rollbacks to 1.68 and 1.66). I had used the scenery for several flights in March without issue, so I suspected a new version of something may have been the culprit.

Ultimately, I noticed it only seemed to be happening during rain, and after deactivating the "model.FLL_slipperyrwys" entry in ...\SODE\SimObjects\LatinVFR_KFLL\sim.cfg, the problem seems to have disappeared - I'm curious if anybody else can repeat this?

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Re: KFLL Wet Runway Bouncing

Post by RicardoLVFR » Mon May 18, 2020 12:54 pm


in order to get the wet runway effect, there is going to be bouncing.

The purpose of the wet runway effect is that breaking would be affected, nonetheless one side effect is that in the process you might experience some bouncing.
Ricardo Morillo
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Re: KFLL Wet Runway Bouncing

Post by Sabretooth78 » Mon May 18, 2020 3:07 pm

I only experienced one true bounce on landing on 28L (which was recorded by my VA ACARS upon exiting the runway), otherwise the braking effects did feel more like hydroplaning which was interesting.

The takeoff on 28R was far more severe, however - it was like driving over a sine curve. Beyond being an immersion killer, it made takeoff virtually impossible. Maybe there's a setting that can mitigate that effect but in the mean time it's nice to know it can be disabled completely.

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Re: KFLL Wet Runway Bouncing

Post by zaurislj25 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:07 pm

to add to this issue, on the majestic q400 it bounces uncontrollably, up to 50ft or 100ft in the air, as soon as I begin the takeoff roll. On the much heavier QW787, it bounces about 5 feet up in the air every 500 feet. so much so that on landing its impossible to deploy the TRs since the airplane thinks its in the air from all the bounces.
I don't know if it is more apparent when there's heavy rain as opposed to a light drizzle, but I became aware of it today as there are heavy downpours of rain at the moment.
any way to disable the friction (bouncing) without taking out the visual effect?

EDIT: I just tested both MSY & MIA, and I can see the rain affecting takeoff roll as stated; However, there's no bouncing at all present on multiple aircraft I tested it with.
Anyway, after some digging around, I found your solution by installing the SODE hotfix, and the SODE XML file in the 12pilot folder.
thought id share for anyone else who runs into this issue.
Last edited by zaurislj25 on Wed Jun 03, 2020 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: KFLL Wet Runway Bouncing

Post by RicardoLVFR » Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:16 pm

Hi, on this thread we posted a file that will remove the slippery runway effect when it rains

Ricardo Morillo
Managing Director/Owner

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